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Being an adolescent in Silicon Valley’s high-pressure high-pace environment can be stressful and demanding. Adolescents can feel disempowered in social conflicts, stressed by growing academic demands, become oppositional and defiant while trying new social roles. Those pressures can lead to teen’s depression, anxiety or behavioral issues at school or at home. 

Struggling Teens may need the support of an experienced counselor to preserve self-esteem and safety in those difficult situations, to move away from self-destruction and misbehavior, withdrawal and school avoidance while navigating their ways out of a conflict or trauma. It is essential to control and prevent the problem from becoming a chronic condition such as:

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • School refusal

  • Isolation

  • Relationship conflicts (bullying, anger outbursts, or oppositional behaviors)

I specialize in teen depression, anxiety and school-related behaviors due to ADHD, ASD, and learning disorders that require professional advice at this time. My expertise comes from being a school-based therapist serving adolescents for 5 years. With the help of the experienced counselor, your teenager would receive sustainable, structured counseling support to help feel validated and empowered to navigate academic and relational challenges effectively.